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Wayang Sodo from Gunungkidul Yogyakarta

A young woman with a disability from Gunungkidul, Rofitasari Rahayu, is active in making Wayang Sodo or Wayang Lidi. Now, his work has been distributed in several shops as souvenirs for travelers visiting the city of Yogyakarta.

Ayu, looked like most young women when welcoming the arrival of the media crew at her home, in Grogol V Hamlet, Bejiharjo Village, Karangmojo District, Gunungkidul Regency. His calm, typical Javanese woman, smiled friendly when met on Thursday, August 15, 2019.

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The 22-year-old woman then continued her work of making Puppets, after her mother, Ngadinem, welcomed and talked with the media crew who came to her.

Helped with tools such as scissors and pliers, Ayu looked swiftly moving her fingers to assemble sticks into puppets.

"It's only been two years that I have made sodo puppets," said Ngadinem.

Ayu is her first child, while her second child is attending grade 1 junior high school. Ngadinem's husband chose to leave 10 years ago and it is currently unknown where he is.

What distinguishes Ayu from adolescents in general is, she is deaf and deaf. When he was a child he had studied up to grade 3 of elementary school (SD) in a special school in the city of Yogyakarta.

Living in her hometown, Ayu did not continue school. He was only at home spending time watching television or reciting the Koran in a mosque near his home.

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"In 2006 an earthquake occurred, the school was damaged. So I, who at that time lived in the Celeban area (Yogyakarta City), chose to return to Gunungkidul with Ayu," his mother said.

Over time his hidden talents began to emerge. About two years ago Ayu just saw her neighbor making shadow puppets. He then tried to make it at home.

Initially only used cardboard paper drawn by a sketch of a puppet character. Then he cut neatly almost similar to the work of leather puppets made by reliable craftsmen.

The results of his work were accidentally seen by someone from a foundation in his village. Because it was considered quite good and talented, Ayu was then taught to make sodo puppets.

"Learn about half a year. Then make yourself at home because you can," said Ngadinem.

Ayu now has more productive activities. He is able to make 4 to 5 puppets every day. Around the last 3 months, his works have begun to be ordered.

"There are orders from souvenir shops in Bantul Regency. In addition, there are also orders that come directly to the house. Not necessarily the number of orders per month," said the 46-year-old woman.

This sodo puppet made by Ayu varies in price. Starting from Rp. 50 thousand, 75 thousand, up to 100 thousand depending on its size. His work could at least help alleviate the economic burden of the family which so far only depends on Ngadinem's wages as a laborer.

Aunt from Ayu, Ngadinah added, her niece really likes to draw and paint. The activity was carried out Ayu when feeling tired and nearing rest.

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Ayu's drawings or paintings, said Ngadinah, are widely displayed on the walls of her house, such as Prambanan Temple's paintings or drawings, landscapes, and pictures of community leaders such as DIY Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Dofiri.

According to him, Ayu is able to draw or paint even if only by looking at the photos. The photos of the Prambanan Temple or the Kapolda DIY were printed using a printer machine, then redrawn manually.

"Ayu has never been to Prambanan Temple, never had a picnic," Ngadinah said.

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