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The Future in Furniture Product Design

Global development has increased rapidly and human needs are increasingly complex and diverse. This is due to changes in the dynamics in it, over time, especially the influence of technological advances. Boundaries between countries no longer have barriers, but it seems as if they are borderless and someone from any country can get to know the culture of another country. 

Demand that comes from human needs is also constantly changing, which affects the industry and vice versa. This also affects various sectors of the economy such as manufacturing, food and beverage, consumer goods, medical equipment, furniture, textiles, machinery, printing, and so on.

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This rapid progress needs to be balanced with the quality of Human Resources who are superior and skilled both in theory and in application. One of these abilities is supported through a linear educational process with supporting facilities. The influence of progress on the industry itself is also found in education that is more flexible and is no longer focused on pure science, but its application during the learning process through applicative trials.

This opportunity opens up greater and wider opportunities for prospective students or students who currently have an interest in continuing their studies. In addition, it is also the right place for those who are accustomed to thinking creatively, like problem solving, have a high curiosity, especially in various products that humans use on a daily basis, and have a desire or goal to create them into tangible goods or results.

The question now is how an item becomes a mandatory thing attached to humans. How a product is designed which certainly goes through the stages of the process and is adjusted many times. Not only does it have a function, but the convenience factor can also affect whether the item or product is used. Another question arises whether the product is only used in small quantities or changes again when it is used en masse.

Furniture Product Design

The scope of design in this product is not limited to just the focus and role of the finished goods, but consists of various sectors such as:


This sector is suitable for those who like projects and become part of using its services in an industry. There is a teamwork process in it and it is possible to meet with many fields including cross-disciplinary sectors in industry.


For those who prefer personal projects in realizing their ideas, becoming an industrial design entrepreneur is a suitable path. And, at the same time can open up new jobs in the field of interest.


Utilizing and processing the knowledge possessed can be a potential career by becoming a consultant or becoming a researcher in the field of product design in an industry.


Not to forget that although this knowledge is applicable, a career in academia in product design can be realized by becoming an educator. Of course, in addition to conveying and continuing knowledge, there is always collaboration with practitioners who are in accordance with related fields.

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All of them combine technology, business and entrepreneurship, as well as human aspects in designing innovation concepts to meet needs and wants. This field is the answer for those who are creative at heart and like in-depth analysis but want to maximize and use their potential into something tangible, useful because they are used, and also be present in the form of a solution to a problem.

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